Tutorial : Letak Highlight text
Saturday, March 23, 2013 | 7:57 PM | 0 comments

Assalammualaikum. Pagi ni, saya nak ajar korang mcm mana nak letak higliht text kat Blogskin.
Maaf saya tak pandai kat template designer. saya pro kat blogskins jerr. * Prosak :P 

Oke. Izinkan saya mula err :pp

Dashboard -> Template -> Tekan Ctrl + F -> Search : </style> -> Copy code bawah ni. Kalau nak copy tekan ctrl + c.

::selection {
background: #FCFFB7;
color: #FFBE84;
::-moz-selection {
background: #FCFFB7;
color: #FFBE84;
Paste dekat Atas </style>. Paste tekan Ctrl + v. Dah siap! Selamat berjuang :)

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WECHAT ID - Fxrhaniii_

Thanks to them
★ No Harsh Words
★ No Copycow Allowed

Thanks to them
This blogskin And header 100% made By me. The beautiful image taken from Nuha. Cursor By Ziera. The doodle made by Wani And code colour By Mr colour Best view GOOGLE CHROME